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Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is a soverign country that is located in South Asia. It is a landlocked country surrounded by China in the North and India in the east, south and west. Being a small country, it is rich in natural beauty. Large number of beautiful Mountains, parks, Natural Resources, etc. are located in Nepal. It is a multilingual, multicultural and multiregion country. The people following different culture, religion, tradition lives together as a single family. So, Nepal is often called country with unity in diversity.

Map Of Nepal

Natural Resources

Nepal is a small country located between the two giant countries i.e. India and China. The area of Nepal is 147181 KM2. Being a small country, it is very rich in Natural resources and natural beauty. Nepal is the second richest country in water resources after Brazil. There are large number of Lakes like Rara Lake, Phewa Lake which are famous all over the world and large number of tourists come to visit these places every year.

Rara Lake


Nepal is a mountainous country. The southern part is covered by mountains. Out of 10 highest mountains, 8 of them are located in Nepal. Mt. Everest (Sagarmatha) with the height of 8849 meter is also located in Nepal.

10 Tallest Mountains of Nepal
S.N. Name Height
1 Sagarmatha 8849 KM
2 Kanchanjunga 8586 KM
3 Lhotse 8516 KM
4 Makalu 8485 KM
5 Cho Oyu 8188 KM
6 Dhaulagiri I 8167 KM
7 Mansalu 8163 KM
8 Nanga Parbat 8126 KM
9 Annapurna I 8091 KM
10 Gyachung Kang 7952 KM